Bare Bones Breakdown

 Catch up Policy

Bare Bones Breakdown


This page only applies to players who were involved in the TST technical development program last term and missed some of these sessions and wants to know how to catch up these sessions.

For a  full breakdown on how missed sessions are treated read the Latest T&Cs {Unfortunately, you will have to do some reading to understand the T&Cs. It is complicated, as all T&Cs are, but needs to be in place to ensure the programs viability.]

Below is a snapshot from a local development programs catch up policy.

This policy in this picture highlights the industry standard policy.

Industry std Catch up policy.jpg 

We think it is unacceptable.

Therefore we make every effort to ensure players get the opportunity to catch up all the sessions they missed, as well as get to additional sessions over and above what they paid for, whilst ensuring the viability of the program is not jeopardized.


For full details read the full T&Cs (link above)

For a more informal breakdown click here;


We have tried really hard to make the catch up policy transparent and explain why the policies are in place.
The key starting point is to understand that players do not pay for the individual sessions. [The fees lock in a spot in the program and whether a player uses that spot is another thing - a little like when you buy a weeks skiing lift pass. If you choose not to ski on the middle day, you wouldn't get a refund for the day you didn't ski.]
This policy is in place to ensure the program is a viable business. Without it, it would not be possible to run the program.


If you just want to know the bare bones policy then read this :


Note when you join TST you pay to reserve spot in the program and not for the sessions themselves. If you choose (for whatever reason) to miss a session and can't catch it up under the following conditions then no other option to catch up the session will be available.

  • [Note: A Normal missed session is a session missed for any reason except a long term injury/long term holiday or cancelled session].

Normal missed sessions can be caught up by doing double sessions (at the same or lower level) during the term or by taking advantage of the Special Holiday deal.

  • The special holiday deal is only available to players who were in last terms program and plan to continue to be fully committed to the TST program.

Long term Holiday Credits* [Apply for at the start of term].

If you go on holiday during the term and can't catch the sessions up in the normal way then you can :

  • Pay for this term in full and get long term holiday credits, that come off the following terms fees.

Long term Injury Credits* [Apply for at the time of the injury].

If there is a long term injury during the term (consecutive weeks) and you cant catch these missed sessions up in the normal way then :

  • if you have paid for this term in full, you will get long term injury credits to reduce the following terms fees.

Note:  If you have holidays planned during the term, it may also be possible to use a  PAYG option. However, this is discouraged and costs more per session. Plus your child may loose their spot in the program if they have not locked in a spot in the program moving forward.

Cancelled sessions*

  • Credits for cancelled sessions are carried forward into next term unconditionally.

*Note: If any of these credits are caught up during the holiday sessions using the special deal then they will not be carried into next term.

